Monday 3 April 2017

Spectacular Kaedun- All about me

Bonjour my name is Kaedun I am a year six student at St Bernadette’s School. My teacher’s name is Miss Bergin and my student teacher’s name is Miss Hamilton I am in room 8. In my free time I like to play outdoor activities with my friends. My favourite food is steak and cheese Pie.My favourite movie is Fast and furious 7 and at School my learning goal is to accomplish all of my work I get asked to do. My pets name is Charlie he is a dog I have a cat called pucat and I used to have a  goldfish called Goldie in my family we have two guinea pigs named Snowy and Flash I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers I am a boy my Favourite sport is rugby I have no favourite singer. I am a New Zealander.

Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...