Friday 13 April 2018



In the Easter holidays me and my family had a six hour trip to
Motueka to see my cousins for a weekend, we went to the beach
and had lots of fun.

On Friday me and my family had to wake up at
3 o'clock in the morning we had to pack our bags
and get in the car just to go to motueka we left at 5
and straight away it was boring I felt bummed so I decided
to rest so 2 hours later I saw awesome hot springs and
awesome scenery my sister said can we go to the hot springs
so we did it was so warm and so relaxing.

When we got out to have a stretch we found ourselves
by a walk it said to the centre of new Zealand so we did
it and it was just 15 minutes finally we got to our cousins
house we played with their dog and them their dog’s name is Coba.

And the wayback 6 more boring hours i felt rushed and wanted to
stay but on the way back i was surprised that we went to a awesome
waterfall and then we went back home to another lovely day.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Long fin eels

 Me and my friends have been working on long fin eels we found out that long fin eels top fin is longer than the bottom hope you enjoy our work if you want to find out more about eels click this link thank you.

Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...