Wednesday 20 February 2019

Tane Mahuta

I am part of the Tane Mahuta group. our job is to look after our school and making our school attract nature.

Today we looked at areas of the school to plan what we are going to do with that area.

My favorite area of the school is the place with three trees making shade and in the middle is a bench.

My best idea to improve our school is making bird feeders for the school and putting the bird feeders in trees.

Monday 18 February 2019

Continuous cricket Rules


  Continuous Cricket Rules
Written by: Kaedun


The objective of the game is to try your hardest to get your team the most points so you can win.


In your class, you need to divide all students into two even groups so the game is fair.


You need two balls just in case if you lose one, And you need a bat so you can hit the ball, and the last thing you need is a stump set.


If you want to score a point this is what you do…

You first have to hit the ball and after you have done that, you need to run with the bat and touch the pole or whatever you need to touch, and make the bat touch it and then run back to your batting position again and do it all over again. Also, you need a scoring person to keep track of your points.


If you want your team to win the game your team needs to try to score more than the other team.  


The rules of continuous cricket is if you catch the ball on a full the batter is out and the other team and your team has three outs and you can also get the batter out by catching it with one hand when it bounces once. And if the batter misses the ball he/she can still run. If the opposite team has three outs they switch sides over so one team bats and the other fields. Also the fielders need to have a bowler and they need a person behind the batsman.

Thursday 7 February 2019

What is learning???

To me everywhere is a place to learn because you can learn new things everywhere you go
and learning is a tool to help us learn new things so later on in life you would know more about life and the world around us. Also, you can learn about hearing, smelling, tasting, looking and touching

Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...