Friday 28 May 2021

The Great Garbage Patch

 The Great Garbage Patch (News Article)


What is the Great Garbage Patch?

-The Great Garbage Patch is a quasi landmass that has formed in the middle of the North Pacific Gyre of the Pacific Ocean.

-The GGP is approximately 537,202 square miles and contains millions of tons of buoyant plastics and trash.

When was the GGP Discovered?

-The GGP was discovered in 1997 by a scientist and environmental activist named Charles Moore.

-He had predicted the GGP in the 1980s, but did not discover it until the late 1990s.

What Contributes to the GGP?

-Most of the ocean pollution that causes the GGP are buoyant plastics. Examples are plastic bottles, balloons, plastic bags, and even small nurdles.

How is the GGP affecting the environment?
-The plastic is having an impact on many beaches around the Pacific Ocean.

-Kamilo Beach, located on the Southern shore of Hawai’i, and has been called the “Dirtiest Beach on Earth”. Over just a few years, nearly 10 tons of plastic and other debris has been cleared from the beach.

What is the solution to the GGP?

-The Solution to the Great Garbage Patch is the Ocean Cleanup Project. The company says that “with enough fleets of systems deployed in every ocean gyre and with the inflow from rivers reduced, it should be able to clean up 90% of all plastic ocean waste by 2040”. -Another Solution is by you donating to charity's that can help the pacific and the rubbish mass, you can also help by making sure your rubbish goes inside bins and if you see rubbish lying around beaches, pick it up and place it inside the bins.

Friday 14 May 2021

Protecting the Environment

 For social studies today we picked up rubbish around the school for Eco-Warriors we used a bucked with tongs and my team that I worked with was Khush, Jv and Aryan. We went around the school at the front and the back, we first went to the back of the school around the old basketball and picked up one buckets worth of rubbish and then we went in the bushes right besides the gym and we managed to pick up one and a half buckets worth of rubbish, we couldn't manage to get all the rubbish because if we had more buckets I think we could get 2 more buckets full. A high percentage of the rubbish escaped the bucket because of the wild wind, and the free school lunch containers that we found got chucked in the actual bins nearby otherwise it wouldn't beable to fit inside the bucket.


Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...