Friday 21 August 2020

Acting Styles

Today our acting, style is focusing on our gestures. Some gestures contain your voice, body, space and movement. We are focusing on voice and body acting, Like Practising Gasping, Being Shocked, Falling dead, Uncomfortably laughing and screaming. We need to do a script based on a coffee house, and someone pretending they sold the house for low on the market. While he can afford a Rolex, He dies then his wife comes in seeś him dead then dies. Working on freeze frames is also another good idea for gestures.

Thursday 20 August 2020

First Dog Tested with Covid-19

The german shepherd named buddy was the first dog positive for COVID-19, he was 
7 years old with cancer and his health showed him with the coronavirus. Buddy passed away on July 11th 2020 
Here is a little article about buddy,
BUDDY LIKED DOG stuff: running through the sprinklers, going on long car rides, swimming in the lake. He cuddled the Mahoneys—his owners and family—at the end of tough days. He humored them when they dressed him up as a bunny for Halloween. He was a protective big brother to 10-month-old Duke, the family’s other German shepherd. He loved everyone. He lived up to his name.
In mid-April, right before his seventh birthday, Buddy began struggling to breathe. 

Medical records provided by the Mahoneys and reviewed for National Geographic by two veterinarians who were not involved in his treatment indicate that Buddy likely had lymphoma, a type of cancer, which would explain the symptoms he suffered just before his death. The Mahoneys didn’t learn that lymphoma was being considered as the probable cause of his symptoms until the day of his death, they say when additional bloodwork results confirmed it. It’s unclear whether cancer made him more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus, or if the virus was responsible for any of his symptoms, or if it was just a case of coincidental timing. Buddy’s family, like thousands of families grappling with the effects of the coronavirus around the world, is left with many questions and few answers.
Until now, Buddy’s identity, the details of his case, and his death were not public. A press release issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in early June revealed his general location (Staten Island, New York), his breed (German shepherd), his likely source of transmission (a COVID-positive owner), and his status (expected to recover). Public records for the few other pets to have tested positive in the U.S. are similarly sparse. Upon the announcement, Buddy’s milestone case appeared fairly open and shut, but the Mahoneys’ experience over the two and a half months between their dog’s first wheeze and his death was one of confusion and heartbreak. Their story puts a spotlight on the rare experience of being an owner of a COVID-positive pet—a distinction shared by only a handful of individuals around the world. While more than four million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the U.S., fewer than 25 pets have. There’s no rubric for how to navigate COVID-19 in your pet dog.

“You tell people that your dog was positive, and they look at you [as if you have] ten heads,” Allison Mahoney says. “[Buddy] was the love of our lives….He brought joy to everybody. I can’t wrap my head around it.” The Mahoneys say they are frustrated that health experts didn’t more closely probe possible connections between COVID and the cascading health problems. After Buddy’s diagnosis, Allison’s husband, Robert, asked New York City veterinary health officials, who were in charge of the case, whether they were interested in doing more testing on Buddy. Robert Mahoney says the officials never asked for further testing or exams.

Monday 17 August 2020

Behavior of Matter

Today in chemistry we are doing a experiment on Particle theory, what is Expansion and Contraction.#
Expansion is where something expands or when

Behaviour of matter:
Put 60 mil in water then place it on the element.
when steaming place it upside down and watch it implode

I think it will turn into a nuclear bomb and explode.

Conclusion:It imploded.

Friday 14 August 2020

Epidemics (Lawyer Paragraph)

People in the middle ages unknowingly spread black death across Europe
in 1347. This matters because it teaches us how fast pandemics can be
spread and nobody knew what was about to happen or how much would have died. 

It spread because of trading ships which carried the black death on them.
The Asian boating ships had first arrived to trade in Messina, Italy in 1347
and continued to carry it on to major cities while trading up and arrived in
Europe which was the most tragic place to arrive. 

The spread of death nearly destroyed the whole of Europe with around 75 million deaths,

Thursday 13 August 2020

The rat and flea combination (epidemics)

To start with, the Black Death had no name. People called it the ‘Pestilence' or the,'Great Mortality,' It has three forms – 

(Most common type.) Large lymph nodes or buboes (black swellings about the size of an egg or an apple) erupt in the armpits and groin oozing blood and pus. Boils cover the body and black blotches appear on the skin from all the internal bleeding. There is sudden fever, restlessness, confusion and severe pain. Death within five days. 

Infection spreads to lungs causing pneumonia. Coughing expels millions of contagious bacteria. Sharp chest pains. Continuous fever. Heavy sweating. Spitting up of blood. Death within three days or less. 

Infection in bloodstream. Least common form of disease. Most fatal. Sudden severe illness. Chills, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, delirium. No time for other symptoms to develop. Death within a few hours to two days. This is how people at the time described the plague. Such descriptions are called contemporary accounts. "The victims died almost immediately. They would swell beneath their armpits and in their groins and fall over dead while talking.” Before the end "death is seen seated on the face." It seemed as if one sick person "could infect the whole world.” “Woe is me of the shilling on the armpit! It is seething, terrible ... a head that gives pain and causes a loud cry... a painful angry knob... Great is it seething like a burning cinder.” 

How the Disease / Plague spreaded from Asia to Europe

How the Black Death Originated from Asia and Spreaded to Europe

Dealers in the Crimea have been besieged for three years due to the doing of
tartar hordes from Central Asia

The black death develops between the tartars

The tartars handle their siege machines to launch their
dead inside the barricades of the base

The disease spreads amongst the civilians inside of the

The tartars flee

The survivors from inside the fort bail towards Europe carrying
the disease with them.

Monday 10 August 2020

Animation about Conduction.

Stir Fry

For Food Tech: We Created Stir fry and you should already know how its made. if not it is basically cooking chicken, noodles, and vegetables altogether, and for the flavor, you can add honey. The Product that we made I probably rate it a 6 out of 10 because the looks could have looked better and it was kinda dry and also we could have added more vegetables. Ingredients we used were Noodles, Chicken, and a ton of different vegetables. If I remade it I would add more flavor to make it that every bite gets a taste of it also I might add a little more honey.. Here was our finished product.
-Teamwork rating- I rate my team a 6 because we could have made the stir fry faster.
Our stir fry didn't really look intriguing and that's a hint on what we can work on later on.

Thursday 6 August 2020

Epidemics: The Black Death

Slam Dunk-

What was life like in the middle ages-

Interestingly it depended If you were wealthy or poor if you were rich you would Be Dirty and Working hard in a rusty village, Compared to if you were rich you would live in a castle with perfectly fine clothing. If you were to rob someone in the middle ages you would be tortured or if it was really bad sentenced to death this is important to know because it was rougher than now for the people in the middle ages... Life was difficult to live in back then.

Medieval times. No Toilet paper!!!

In the middle ages, there was no toilet paper so it was so different to us right now here is more information on a little poster I made

Monday 3 August 2020

TeaBag Rockets

Today in science we made Teabag rockets.. All you need to make this is a teabag and a lighter.. Its pretty simple all you need to do is cut off the top of the teabag and empty it out. As soon as you do that get a surface that's fire proof or able to cope with fire. Once done stand the paper up like this---
Its pretty simple the next step is to get the lighter and light the top of it on fire. Once done you will see the tea bag levitate / fly. We made the mistake of when it started flying. Aim: To observe connection in real life...

Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...