Wednesday 24 November 2021

New Zealand's shift to traffic light system (Reflection Section)

Text Title: Prime Minister - New Zealand's shift to traffic light system 

Text Type: News Report
Text Creator: Stuff News
Text Purpose: To inform the rest of New Zealand about the upcoming traffic light system
Critical Question: What is the text about? How do we know?
Date: 23/11/21

Critical Question: 
This text is about the new traffic light system that is going to enter New Zealand starting December 2nd-3rd we know this because Jacind Ardern had a press conference about it explaining it in more depth.

New Zealand is moving to the new traffic light system from 11:59 pm on Thursday December 2, meaning Kiwis will have to navigate a new set of rules on where they can visit and what they can do. At the announcement, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said setting the date now would give people, communities and businesses time to prepare. 
The system will involve three settings - green, orange and red. I like this traffic light system idea but I still wonder what will happen once this pandemic goes away.. would the system continue or would we go back to normal. The traffic light system has many advantages and can help us as a community be more aware on how many covid cases is in your supposed community.
I'm still wondering how they would know who has the covid cases and how would everyone follow the rules on the road when travelling this is what court needs to be aware of just in case because thats one potential way that covid could spread. Ardern is asking everyone to stop what they're doing so that they can install the lights all around New Zealand, Auckland would start on the red light system and no location starts on the green light till research has been done about the cases.

The red setting will allow hospitality to open with vaccine certificates, but gathering limits, physical distancing, masks and other public health measures would be used.

Record keeping and scanning will be required, with face coverings mandatory on flights, public transport, in taxis, retail, and in venues.

Public facilities can open with up to 100 people and 1m distancing. Retail needs to have 1m distancing too.

People are advised to work at home, but ECEs, schools and kura can open with public health measures.

Some outdoor community events will be allowed with limited capacity.


At orange, gathering limits can lift. Places that choose not to use vaccination certificates will either be closed or have public health measures in place.

There will be no limits for the following if vaccination certificates are used: Hospitality, gatherings (weddings, worship, marae), events, close contact business, gyms.

Without the use of certificates, hospitality and gatherings will have limits applied

Without the use of certificates, events, gyms and close contact businesses will not be able to operate.


Green is when there are some Covid-19 cases in the community but at low levels.

Fully vaccinated people can enjoy all events and hospitality and gatherings by showing a vaccine certificate.

Premises choosing not to use certificates will face restrictions similar to the current alert level framework.

Experts urged Govt to be 'explicit' in goal to 'save Māori lives' in new  Covid framework

Image Credit:

Monday 15 November 2021

New Zealand Covid-19 border removal (Reflection Section)

Text Title: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern urged to confirm Auckland COVID-19 border removal, set 'Freedom Day'

Text Type: News Report
Text Creator: Newshub
Text Purpose: To inform the rest of New Zealand about the border removal
Critical Question: What is the text about? How do we know?
Date: 15/11/21

Critical Question: The text is about borders re-opening inside New Zealand, People are calling it; "Freedom Day" We know this because there is a news article and a News confrence with Ardern questioning her about this so called "Freedom Day". 

What would have been more than 100 days in Covid-19 lockdown, Auckland could see its “freedom day” announced within the month, but the key question remains about how life will look like at that stage. On Monday, Prime Minister Jacinda said the “strong expectation” is that Tāmaki Makaurau will hit 90 per cent double-vaccinated this month and will move into the traffic light framework following a check-up on November 29th. The traffic light system allows more freedoms than the phased stepping-down through alert level 3, resembling life at alert level 2 but with the added protection of high vaccination coverages and restrictions for unvaccinated people. There has been riots and protestors of people asking for freedom instead of being locked down in one part of the country personally I think that this is a bad idea for Auckland to be released to other areas of New Zealand because Covid-19 could reach areas like the South island.


Monday 8 November 2021

Teenager Lego with Gun drama (Reflection Section)


Text Title: 
"German town shaken after teenager runs up and down street with Lego gun"
Text Type: News Report
Text Creator: Newshub
Text Purpose: To inform people about how a teenager alarmed a town because of a lego gun
Critical Question: What is the text about? How do we know?
Date: 8/11/21

A 15-year-old German boy has scared residents of the village of Lindau, by carrying a gun made of LEGO bricks. A restaurant owner called in the police, who went in a group. Witnesses saw the boy running up and down the town's main street. He was dressed in a camouflage outfit and was holding the fake gun. Residents of Lindau were shocked by the boy and did not realize that it was a LEGO gun. "We had no choice but to go straight to it with a lot of people and material," a police officer told local media. Many police cars were used to stop the boy. The federal police were also called in. The boy was soon found to be carrying a fake gun, but has been charged with scaring the neighborhood.

Critical Question: What is the text about? How do we know?
This text is about a chaotic event that happened that made a 15-year-old boy look like he was handling a gun, but in reality it was a LEGO gun, the boy is not being named for security reasons and has been charged for shocking his hometown, we know this because of News articles from around the globe.

German Restaurant Boss Mistakes Teen Lego Gun for Real Weapon: Reuters

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