Friday 23 March 2018

But how did she get up there?…

But how did she get up there?…


One day a girl got a jet pack to go on the skyscraper the girl

saw this mysterious man falling so she caught him the girls

name is actually Emma so this guy got rescued then he

disappeared into this mysterious place she was trying

to find him but no sign of him anywhere she saw a gun

lying on the ground oh no it is dangerous so the man

came back picked up the gun and it was her dad

but her dad pointed the gun at her and fell off again.

Image result for sky tower

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Human lie detector

I will tell lies to people or they will and there pupils might go smaller or they might scratch their head?

Lets get to it 

first person- Aisa  

OK Aisa have you never told a lie before???

 Ryan have you ever stolen my stuff before???

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Hands on Fire

I would like to know how to safely set my hands on fire.



Safety glasses
Gas hose
Deep tray
Liquid soap


1. wet your hands
2. tie up long hair
3. connect the gas pump
4. bubble the gas into soapy water
5.lift up your hand and walk away 2 steps from that spot with the hands up and to your face but away from it
6. get burnt on fire
7. slowly show your palms and stop
8. don't drop it or get scared or then you can explode the room


100 Word Challenge

100 word challenge

One day a boy giant called Bill had a nice drink
of hot chocolate he sat down on his seat and read
the newspaper he had a sip of his drink and
accidentally spilt his drink and it fell into this
strange place called earth what happened was
hot chocolate spilt on all people of earth and
they say the tea cup is still there and people take
millions of photos some read there it can be used
for everyone's imagination anything you dream
can come true sometimes people come to hang out
and eat lunch there.

Year 10 Writing Portfolio (English)

For my English Portfolio, I am adding my favourite writing work that I've accomplished this year. My work is getting better over time an...